Robin Sold
Acrylic on canvas, 5 x 7 inches. $95.00
Hello! As I mentioned in my last blog, here is my bowl of lemons painting. Just kidding. It seems that no matter what my intentions are, when I actually get into my studio, anything can happen. I really did intend to paint a bowl of lemons. I went to the local big box store and bought a huge bag of bright yellow lemony lemons. But then, the sun came out in my small corner of the Pacific Northwest. It seems that the birds in my yard hide behind every fern, flower, and tree, just waiting for the sun. My whole yard was alive with all manner of my favorite backyard birds. A robin caught my eye, then another, and another. I am always excited to see them but especially in Spring as they signal another Winter has passed and my favorite season has begun. I decided right away that I had to paint a robin and that the lemons could wait for a grayer day. "Robin" is the result. It does make me ponder though, if I had gone to a big box store and bought a box of robins, would I have painted a bowl of lemons? Just wondering. I really like this painting and I hope you do to.
*The computer has decided to cut off a portion of the bottom of my painting. I am trying to fix it. It includes about 3/4" more of sky and branch.