Hello everyone! I am trying something new. I have been asked to paint a triptych of fruit. Originally I was supposed to paint a lemon, orange, and pear. Well those of you who have been reading my blog know how excited I am to paint pears, but I thought in order to appeal to my sense of
symmetry, I would
substitute a lime. As you can see, I just started. I decided that since they are all going to be the same size and subject, that I would like to put them all on my easel at the same time. My support looks really strange, but it works very well. I taped two stir sticks to my
Masonite drawing board with blue tape. I used a level to make sure they lined up and were on the same plane. I used museum putty ( holds like iron, comes off easily) on back of my canvases in the center of each wood piece. Then I set the canvases on the level sticks for support and pushed the puttied backs against the board. Voila! It worked. The canvases are absolutely supported, level, and attached. I can now move back and forth between them very easily.
I was lucky enough to acquire a lemon and a tangerine that still had its leaves on. Now I am in dire need of a lime. Even though I know the color of a lime, I like to turn the fruit over in my hand and mind from time to time. Thanks for listening.
OK, for some reason I think that this is your BEST work yet! I was trying to decide whether this is a photograph or a painting....your blog enticed my mind to travel.... I hope this one is for sale.....I'll be watching!