Renee's New Brush

Renee's New Brush

"It is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting."
Agatha Christie

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Wild Rose

Wild Rose
Acrylic on stretched canvas, 5 x 7 inches. SOLD
Hello. I haven't written about my ongoing problem-solving battles for a while. One of the dilemmas that I had with my "Wild Rose" painting, was that the muse fell apart in my hand. A vanishing muse. That's a new one. Here is what happened. I was walking the woodsy trail by my house when I came across the Perfect branch of the wild Nootka rose. Of course, still being a bit lawless, I plucked it and spirited it away to my studio. I was unable to finish my painting in one day, so as I entered my studio on the next day I discovered that the top flower on the branch that I had found so compelling, no longer had its petals on. I began again. I painted the remaining stamens and such, as fast as I could, then I moved on to the lower bud that had decided to bloom overnight. I was about half way done when, in order to get a better look, I picked up the branch. Even though I picked it up very carefully, one petal drifted to the floor. Yikes. Needless to say, one of my petals is now imaginary. I have heard that some artists spray their more fragile muses, like dry grasses and the like, with hairspray to keep them attached. It just might work, but I can't bring myself to do it. My solution? Paint faster! Despite the challenges of this painting, I enjoyed painting it and I am happy with the results. I hope you like it too.

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