8" x 10" Acrylic. SOLD
Who doesn't love a chickadee! Chickadees are very social and often called the "clowns" of the back yard birds. There is something about the look in their eyes that I find irresistible. In this painting, the way the blue sky background makes the red berries really sing was a surprise to me. Normally, I use colors that are opposite on the color wheel, to set off the focal point, as in Cardinal on Branch, where I used a green background to enhance the reds of the bird. I was surprised and happy to see how effective the blue background was. I know that cool colors recede and warm colors advance, but I didn't see just how much until Chickadee On Berry Branch. Thanks for looking!
I can't keep my eyes off the Chickadee! It makes me smile! The blues are attractive with the red contrast! Thanks for sharing!