Renee's New Brush

Renee's New Brush

"It is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting."
Agatha Christie

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Frog Decoy

Frog Decoy
"5 x 7", Acrylic on canvas, $95.00.

Hello, here is the frog ice fishing decoy I have been working on. I just love how whimsical these decoys are. I picked up a 5" x 7" canvas that I had primed with Daniel Smith's yellow ochre gesso. I must have been priming in the dark because there were ridges on the canvas. As I went to put it in the "to be sanded" pile, I realized that the ridges might be the perfect texture to suggest old wood. I used yellow ochre, burnt sienna, raw sienna, burnt umber, and alizarin crimson hue (a wonderful Golden color), to allude to the striations in the wood. I used some of the same colors on the eye to try to capture the glassiness. None of my other decoys have glass eyes. All of my others have eyes that were either painted, made of nails, or of thumb tacks. I am moving on from decoys for a while, but they sure were fun to paint. Hope you like it!


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