Renee's New Brush

Renee's New Brush

"It is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting."
Agatha Christie

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Chickadee on Pear

Chickadee on Pear
"8 x 10", Acrylic on canvas, $145.
What is it about a bird on a pear that I find so compelling? It is another image that demands to be painted, different sizes, different birds, same insistence. I really like the look in this chickadee's eye. It feels to me like the canary who ate the canary, only different. I started a new painting yesterday. I had decided to paint my African flute juxtaposed to a mini Acoma pot, but after staring at the still life set up for two days I realized it wasn't going to happen. So---back to the still life set up dance. After seeing the color of my jade vase, that I recently posted, I decided I had to paint it again. In my goal to paint more than one big thing in the middle, I placed a small nest next to it. The balance looks good, and the colors are intriguing. I am about half way there. Thanks for looking!


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