Renee's New Brush

Renee's New Brush

"It is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting."
Agatha Christie

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Little More Yellow

A Little More Yellow
Acrylic on gessoboard, 4 x 4 inches.
This painting is currently in the Parklane Gallery International Miniature Show in Kirkland WA. View all of my miniatures in the show at My work is on page 37.

Hello. "A Little More Yellow" is one of the miniatures that I will be entering in the Parklane Miniature Show in Kirkland, WA. Please ignore the shadow in the picture caused by the frame. The competition is a bit daunting as it is an international show and much of the art is amazing, while the rest of the show is just really really good. I don't paint miniatures too often, but I really enjoy doing it. Painting on such a small canvas, or board, can be quite the challenge, especially with brushes the size of a hummingbird's eyelash. It takes a bit of getting used to, but apart from the usual hair-pulling angst and plaintive cries of "Why Me?" it is actually kind of relaxing. The show is in the Summer and I will be posting more of my entries in the future. Oh, I did finish and send in my entry into the Kent Show. Ta Da!


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