Renee's New Brush

Renee's New Brush

"It is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting."
Agatha Christie

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Flight

First Flight
16" x 20", Acrylic on Canvas. Reserved for show.

"First Flight" resulted from a suggestion that I tell a story with my birds. It is a painting about risk taking. The baby Chickadee is being supported and encouraged to take that "leap of faith" into the unknown. I paint this bird house from time to time. I found it in Sequim at their farmers market. The artist who made it was putting himself through school by making the most wonderful birdhouses from old barn wood and found objects. Chickadees love this house. They come back to it every year and put on the most mesmerizing show. Thanks for looking.


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