Renee's New Brush

Renee's New Brush

"It is completely unimportant. That is why it is so interesting."
Agatha Christie

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Where's the Eagle?

"Somewhere out there" Collection of Marci Wainhouse,
Kent Art Commissioner.

Every day, throughout the day, I sit at my dining table and stare at my bird feeders. I have a heart shaped garden that is filled with seasonal flowers and is the focal point of my yard. In the middle of the garden sits my ornate concrete birdbath, and my hanging thistle feeders. All sorts of wonderful birds come to the feeders, including the occasional Peregrine Falcon (although I don't think thistle is what he is after). Just outside my window, at the edge of my deck, is where the hummingbird feeder is. Two years ago, I discovered after living in the Pacific Northwest for many years, that there is a hummingbird, "Anna's Hummingbird," that does not migrate. Several days after taking down my feeder I was shocked to see a hummingbird peering into my window, just hovering there. Even though it was really cold, I quickly cleaned and filled the feeder and put it back out. Where do they sleep in 18 degree weather? The Anna's come every day, no matter how cold, no matter the snow, wind, or crushing rain. The Anna's began to insist to be painted. I had never tried to paint a bird before, I saw myself as a more "Figurative Expressionist" painter. Not only did this little bird demand to be painted, it demanded to be painted in a "Realistic" way. Since that first painting, I have painted many of the back yard birds that come to my feeders. Although I was surprised to discover that I identify with this gaggle of back yard birds, as opposed to say, an eagle, a falcon, or even a crow, it has made clear to me that the best subjects choose you.


1 comment:

  1. I like the hummingbirds too! They are delicate little creatures. Is this the color of your visitor? Beautiful! Thanks for posting!
